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Why donate food during Ramadan?
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which Muslims worldwide fast for a month to become closer to Allah (SWT). The fast is a self-discipline and sacrifice practice that allows Muslims to self-cleanse, practice patience, and reflect on those less fortunate, living in poverty, or experiencing turbulent lives through no fault of their own. Muslims are reminded during this time to show compassion to the needy and make their Zakat donation to ensure that those living in poverty or facing hardship receive life-changing assistance.
Ramadan is an opportunity to give charity to feed the poor. BDesh Foundation’s Ramadan Meal Project provides food to people who need them throughout Ramadan. During the pious period, you can give meals and demonstrate your humanity to your less fortunate brothers and sisters. You can help them by participating in this Ramadan food donation program to fulfill their brotherhood.
The message of Allah (saw) said,
Whoever provides iftar for a fasting person in it (Ramadan) shall be forgiven for his (the feeder’s) [minor] sins and freedom for the fire. And for such a feeder shall be the same reward as the one who fasted (whom he fed) without that person compensation and without that person’s bonus being decreased in the least.
[Ibn Khuzayma]
During Ramadan, there is an increase in both obligatory and voluntary donations. These contributions include
Donor name: Mohammed Sajedul Haque
Number of donations: 1
Total donation amount: $500.00
Donor name: AFM Rabbani
Number of donations: 1
Total donation amount: $10.00
Donor name: Suza Khan
Number of donations: 1
Total donation amount: $1.00
Donor name: Abhi
Number of donations: 1
Total donation amount: $50.00
Donor name: Shakil
Number of donations: 1
Total donation amount: $50.00
Donor name: Shobuj
Number of donations: 5
Total donation amount: $510.00
Rajshahi, Bangladesh | Mobile:
Radhanagar, Pabna, Bangladesh | Mobile:
Kamalpur, Pabna, Bangladesh | Mobile:
Bhangoora, Pabna, Bangladesh | Mobile:
Baliadanga, Chapainawabganj, Bangladesh | Mobile:
Misre Para, Natore, Bangladesh | Mobile: